Below, you’ll find all the opportunities to serve in Children and/or Youth Ministry. All volunteers must complete the required volunteer application process, which is outlined below. If you have questions about any of the opportunities below or the application process, please contact
Pastor Emily, Director of Youth Ministries or Pastor Becky Postlewait, Children’s Ministries.
Children’s Ministry
- Small-Group Leader (9:30 – 10:45 am): Each small group (Pre-K, K-2, and 3-5) is a two-person team leading the lesson time. Lessons and necessary supplies are provided.
- Commitment: Adults sign up for open weeks so commitments vary depending on availability.
- Special Event Volunteer: Special events include the Spring Picnic, Vacation Bible School, Mission Camp, and more. Volunteers help plan and take part in these events.
- Commitment: Varies depending on the event.
Youth Ministry
- Evening Leader (6:00 – 8:00 pm): Evening leaders eat dinner with youth, engage them in table discussions, and play games.
- Commitment: Adults ideally commit to leading the group weekly. Some weeks may not be possible due to travel, sickness, or other commitments. For some, committing to bi-weekly service is available.
- Dinner Volunteer (5:45 – 6:45 pm): Volunteers provide and serve dinner at our evening program.
- Commitment: Adults sign up for weeks they can provide dinner. Serving and cleaning up is appreciated.
- EPIC Confirmation Leader (5:00 - 6:00 pm): Adult assists in teaching EPIC Confirmation.
- Commitment: Nine classes between January and April.
- Special Event Volunteer: Special events include the Epic Confirmation Reception, Senior Banquet, Volunteer Appreciation, and more. Volunteers help plan and take part in these events.
- Commitment: Varies depending on the event.
- Mission Trip Volunteer: Volunteers lead a small group and potentially drive a van for the mission trip.
- Commitment: July 2025
Application Process
Everyone who volunteers with children and/or youth is accountable to the Children and Youth Policies and Procedures. To be in compliance with these policies, volunteers must complete the following:
Prospective volunteers must fill out a volunteer application
(click here for form). This application includes three references who will be contacted.
- All volunteers in children and youth ministries must complete the background check process through Safe Gatherings. Please contact Pastor Becky Postlewait, Children's Minister or Pastor Emily Sterling-Strongman, Youth Ministry Director, for the Safe Gatherings link.
- Volunteers must attend mandatory, annual training with Children’s and/or Youth Ministry. This ensures you know what to do when volunteering with children and youth here at First Church. Training is available in person at the start of the new school year. Please communicate with Becky or Pastor Emily if you are not able to attend annual training.
- Volunteers must be familiar with our policies. Please print, sign, and return the “Acknowledgment of the Children and Youth Policies and Procedures: Participation Covenant Statement” found in the appendix of the Policies.