United Methodists believe the living core of the Christian faith is revealed in Scripture, illuminated by tradition, brought to life in personal experience, and confirmed by reason. One of the ways United Methodists share their faith is by relating the message of the Bible to wider fields of knowledge.
Members and friends of the First United Methodist Church of Orlando have established special endowment funds, and the earnings from these funds have been designated to help students with college expenses. Scholarships in memory of Charles and Adele Whitfield, Morita Clark, and Louise and Phillip Torrance are available each year for full-time undergraduate students attending colleges and universities, as well as students who are seeking to enter full-time religious work.
Students who are awarded scholarships must:
Scholarship recipients must have completed high school and will be chosen based on academic records, test scores, extracurricular activities, church activities, community service, and financial need. Recipients will be seeking an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in a college or university.
Undergraduate scholarships may be renewed annually for up to four years of undergraduate work, providing the student makes acceptable progress towards a degree with an acceptable grade point average.
Scholarships (graduate and undergraduate) are awarded to students with a First United Methodist Church association who attend a United Methodist-approved seminary. Students preparing for the ministry or those studying to become church workers in areas such as music ministry, children’s ministry, or youth ministry are also eligible for these scholarships.
These scholarships may be renewed provided the student maintains an acceptable grade point average and continues to serve actively in church and participate in community service.
The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation offers scholarship opportunities for students who are members of a United Methodist church. There are also special scholarships, including matching funds for students attending United Methodist-related colleges and universities. Click here for more scholarship opportunities.
To be considered for a First United Methodist Church Scholarship, complete the appropriate application below:
In order to guarantee consideration for the 2025-2026 school year applications must be received by February 20, 2025.
Please consider helping First United Methodist Church continue these scholarships by making a contribution to the First United Methodist Church scholarship funds. For more information, call (407) 849-6080 and speak with the Finance Office.