In a large population, creating a sense of community and connecting with others is important. In our church, it’s important that community exists in order for relationships to be real and relevant. We need each other for encouragement, growth and accountability.

Sunday Small Groups

Small Groups are the place where we connect and do life together, build friendships, and learn about the Bible.

Sundays at 9:30 am

McRae - A Reconciling Community | Conference Room
Group discussion of Bible studies, Advent and Lenten series and current events. Socials are the most important aspect of our fellowship.

New Covenant | Classroom 5
For inquisitive, independent thinkers seeking to grow spiritually. Discussion topics include social justice issues, scripture exploration, relationships, theological trends, and other hot topics. Socials, outings, and service projects abound.

Nu Class – A Reconciling Community | Classroom 6
An alternative learning experience for adults of all ages where diverse opinions are discussed in a spirit of mutual respect. For more information, visit

Pendergrass-Turner | Classroom 1
Couples and singles in their 70’s+. Lessons are Bible-oriented and members share the teaching responsibilities. We sing hymns, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, pray for those who are ill, support charities, and study God’s Word. Good singing and tremendous socials!

Sundays at 10:30 am

Cornerstone Connection | Classroom 1
This small group offers an opportunity for fellowship to discuss and explore ideas and opportunities for Christian living in today's world. The group is open to all who are seeking and/or serving to experience and share the love of Jesus Christ.  Hope you can join us!

Sundays at 5:30 pm

Men’s Group | Conference Room
For all men of our church, all ages and all places in life. The goal is to grow in faith, encourage each other, and serve others.

Throughout The Week

Mommy and Me, Thursdays at 10:30 am | Second Floor Children’s Wing
A group for moms (and stay-at-home dads) of newborns to 3 years old (siblings are welcome). We encourage interaction and development for little ones while creating space for building friendships with other parents. Join us as we support one another through the joys and challenges of parenthood. Visit our 
Facebook page.

Narcotics Anonymous, Thursdays at 7:00 pm  | Room 6 & 7

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a non-profit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other live drug-free. It costs nothing to attend a Meeting. There are no dues or fees; the only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using. For more information, Greater Orlando Area of Narcotics Anonymous.

New Member Opportunities, Various Dates & Times | Conference Room

Do you want to become a member at First United Methodist Church of Orlando? Are you interested, but not sure yet? Meet your pastors and learn more about how you can get involved at First Church with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness.

Pastor's Bible Study, Wednesday  at 10:00 am & 5:30 pm | Conference Room

Join Pastor Vance every Wednesday morning or evening as he unpacks The Meaning of Life, According to Ecclesiastes. This 6-week study is open to everyone, from beginning Bible students to advanced Bible scholars. 

Please invite a friend to join you.

Pastor's Book Club, Second Thursday of the Month  | on Zoom

Throughout the year, members of our book club connect via Zoom to review and discuss the selected book of the month. Pastor Vance curates a diverse range of books, each chosen for its ability to inspire and foster meaningful conversation. The next meeting is on Thursday, February 13 and we will be delving into  And: The Restorative Power of Love in an Either/Or World by Felicia Murrell. Everyone is welcome to join! Feel free to invite your fellow book lovers to be part of our group. Please read the book before the meeting to participate fully in our discussion. To register for the book club and receive Zoom details click here.

Looking to get a head start? Here is the upcoming selection:  March 13: Ordinary Mysticism: Your Life as Sacred Ground by Mirabai Starr. We look forward to a year of enriching reads and engaging conversations!

PFLAG Meeting, Third Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 pm | Classroom 1

Support for families, allies, and people who are LGBTQ+. Meetings are facilitated by trained volunteers, many of who are parents. PFLAG meetings are free of charge, offer valuable support, answer questions, and connect you to resources. For more information,

Senior Friendships, First Friday of the Month | 10:00 am | Gathering Space

This group of energetic folks meets the first Friday of every month for fun and fellowship. For more information, contact Linda Palmer,

Theology On Tap, Thursday Nights at 7:00 pm

Join us every Thursday night for a relaxed and welcoming fellowship opportunity at The Corner Pizza Bar, located at 150 S Magnolia Avenue. This gathering is perfect for anyone interested in casual conversations about faith, life, and community. All are welcome to join! For more information, please contact Brian Postlewait. Come, connect, and enjoy great discussions in a friendly atmosphere! 

United Women In Faith (UWF)    Various times
The UWF connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local & global communities. We believe
Love In Action Can Change the World! Monthly meetings are offered: 2nd Thursdays,10:45 am, contact Linda Palmer 407.222.2757; 3rd Wednesdays, 6:00 pm, contact April Ring 407.761.1824 (Free childcare provided).

Women's Bible Study, Thursday Mornings at 9:30 am | Library

Join our study group a we aim to deepen our understanding of faith and explore our Christian calling. If you're seeking a loving, supportive community, come be a part of this journey with us

Women's Gathering, Once a Month    Gathering Space

Calling all women! Experience the warmth of fellowship, hear an encouraging message, and connect with other amazing women in our church community. Childcare will be available. Next Meeting: Saturday, October 12, 9:00 am.

Yoga, Monday Nights at 6:30 pm | Third Floor Youth Space

First Church Yoga is a donation-based class, with all contributions directly supporting First Church. Our sessions provide a yoga studio experience, offering a typical all-levels class suitable for everyone. Join us for a practice that nurtures your body, mind, and spirit. All are welcome!

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